Terms and Conditions
- For current hotel information such as opening hours and further costs, see aparthoteldelden.nl/info/
- Also download our privacy statement
- Also read our disclaimer
Room prices
If you book an overnight stay through our own website booking module, you are guaranteed to pay the lowest price.
Prices of arrangements are stated on the relevant package pages. All package prices, with the exception of the meeting packages, are based on a double hotel room and excluding municipal taxes and reservation costs.
Childrens discounts
Age at arrival date
- Children 0 - 2 years free, cot € 15,00 per stay.
- Children 3 - 11 years 50% discount on the package if sleeping in the (family) room of the parents.
- Different child discounts apply to arrangements with golf or wellness.
Room surcharges
- Surcharge single hotel room:
- single room supplement € 21,00 per night
- Surcharge suite € 27,50 per suite per night
- Surcharge family room € 27,50 per family room per night
(minimum 4 people per room).
Changes, relocations and cancellations
In case of changes to golf start times, rescheduling of golf reservations and cancellations (within a week before arrival) we are forced to charge € 35.00 change costs.
Additional costs, discounts and conditions
- All our overnight stays are excluding tourist tax of € 2,50 per person per night and excluding booking costs of € 9,00.
- For all packages, an extension based on half board costs € 85,00 per person per night.
- Lazy Sunday: check out until 17:00 (subject to availability, to be booked during your stay).
- € 12,50 Per hotel room
- € 17,50 per suite
- € 27,50 per family room - You can make use of our tennis courts, bowling lanes, fitness studio, 9 holes golf course, Supa Golf Course and sauna at a guest rate (subject to availability).
- Towels, slippers and bathrobes can be rented.
Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry
- The Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH, click here) apply to all agreements entered into by us. These are available for inspection and are sent free of charge on request. The UVH are binding for everyone who uses our services.
Everything else you want to know
- On the day of arrival you can check in from 3 pm.
- On the day of departure, you must check out before 12.00. You may still use our facilities throughout the day as far as these are in your package.
- During your stay you can make free use of our swimming pool, indoor play terrace and internet corner.
- Pets are not allowed except for a high exception. If this exception is made we will charge € 25,00 per pet and the pets are not allowed in the public areas.
- Free WiFi in all hotel rooms and rooms.
- We advise you to take out cancellation insurance.
All prices are including VAT.
Price changes and typesetting reserved.
All prices are valid until 31 December 2021